Rabu, 07 Mei 2014

Questions:LCD HDTV ?!?!?

Q. 1.I have a 40 inch Bravia LCD tv. It says it has Full HD 1080 does that mean its a HDTV ?
2.How would you know if something is an LCD HDTV or just a LCD TV ?

A. any tv that can display images at and above 720p resolution (meaning 720p, 1080i, and 1080p) are all HDTV's, (high definition tv's).

there has never been a regular definition LCD tv. all standard def tv's are tube crt tv's. every lcd is a high def tv, it's just that it would be a 720p hdtv, or a 1080p hdtv.

Is a LCD 40" TV Flat Pannel HDTV good for gaming?
Q. Tomorrow Im getting a TV for my birthday witch is Tuesday . So Im a gamer, and was wondering if its good for gaming?

A. A name brand LCD might work, but some of the lower end models will probably have motion blur problems and gamer lag.

A plasma display would be better for gaming.

If I had to go for a LCD - it would have to have 120 hz refresh to reduce motion blur, and LED back lights to improve the black levels.

A Panasonic Viera plasma would be a better choice.

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