Senin, 04 November 2013

How do I shorten the life of my TV so it can blow out and so my dad can buy me a new one?

Q. I have this TV and had it since February 28th,2010
I have the new Insignia advanced serious TV LCD HDTV
click here
I was thinking about setting the settings to the highest level and leaving it on 24\7

A. Your TV is new enough. My TV is just over two years old, and I am not really considering replacing it.

How much do you think HDTVs will drop in price by April 2010?
Q. We want a 42" Panasonic 1080p which is $700, but we can't afford that. That is why I want to know how much all HDTVs will drop in price by then. What do you think?

A. No one can be sure, but i would think with the new LED tvs, that LCD's and plasma tv prices are gonna sink like a rock. Samsung, LG, Vizio, (that i know of) already have LED tvs on the market. so i would imagine if you want a LCD, it would be cheaper in april and continually dropping in price.

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