Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

Sony vs RCA.... 32" LCD TV... which is a better tv?

Q. I have the option to recieve a 32" sony bravia L series lcd or a RCA 32" lcd televsion. My previous 57" projection tv was a sony and it is only 7 years old and needs to be replaced and as replacement my two options are: another sony(which i am not too impressed with) or a RCA. Which is the best for my buck? I am wondering if buying another sony will get me the same results as the last tv... didnt last as long as it should have.

A. I was in the market a month ago for a 32" LCD tv for my spare bedroom. I went to Best Buy web site and read all the customers reviews for all 32" tvs. Panasonic has the best score and review from customers (Panasonic 32" LCD 720P 60HZ). I went to the store to purchase the tv and they had sold out for the sale price of $399. Instead of walking out, I purchased the next size of 37", and am very pleased with the tv. Go on line to Home Theater Magazine and read reviews on tvs. You will also notice that in each of the price category you will find a Panasonic tv. While Sony and Samsung did not, while the rest of the tv brands did not get mentioned. Sony quality have dropped over the years and RCA is even lower. Hope this will help you out.

What's the best LCD 32 inch TV?
Q. I've been looking around for a new TV and I was wondering whats the best. I'm using it mostly for video gaming

Thank you

A. go to reviews on c-net & look under tv's

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